Home Credit’s HR survey reveals interesting data about tweens—and thirtysomethings, too
Much has been said about millennials, the segment of the population that typically falls in the 18-29 age range. Every aspect of their behavior, from their TV viewing habits and shopping preferences to home and workplace behavior, is constantly being scrutinized.
With many applicants and new hires coming from this segment, companies are eager to know what makes millennials tick, what motivates them, and perhaps most important of all, what would make them stay with the company. To do this, we need to separate the facts from the myths, the conclusions from the assumptions, and confirm or debunk them as needed.
This is exactly what Prague-based fintech company Home Credit—itself an employer to more than 4,800 millennials, or 82% of the Home Credit PH workforce—did, as it recently surveyed close to 600 applicants about their career and workplace preferences (you can check out the survey here).
With close to 80% of the respondents falling under the 18-29 range, it gave plenty of interesting insights about millennials, while shedding some light on the other/older respondents, too—allowing us to determine whether the following are simply myths, or solid facts: