RE/MAX country manager Michelle Perlas says that the brand is revolutionizing the landscape of real estate in the Philippines. |
The author, the country manager of RE/MAX Philippines, delivered this speech at the International Realtor Conference, which was recently held at City of Dreams last July 31.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the International Realtor Conference, where I am honored to share the stage with so many respected luminaries. But first, I would like to thank you for letting RE/MAX be a part of this assembly in its pioneering presence in the Philippines.
With this year’s event being held, for the very first time, outside the United States, the International Realtor Conference proves itself true to its promise of changing the landscape of global real estate. By bringing a noteworthy gathering of international real estate experts, powerful business opportunities, and an international presence to a country that is slowly but surely attaining global status for its industries and enterprises, the Chamber of Real Estate and Builder’s Association and the National Association of Realtors has drawn attention to a nation whose economic resurgence has resulted in a plethora of rich opportunities.