Auto loans have been key enablers in making cars more accessible as their price become easier to pay via a series of affordable partial payment over a period of time. Down payments, which historically have been car buyers’ biggest hurdle, have been reduced to rock bottom levels to make them more viable to a greater number of prospective buyers. Monthly payments have also been made lighter with longer payment terms, making it possible for many to own their dream car.
Talking about payments, just recently there has been a new and unrivaled innovation in the auto financing industry, “a car loan that pays you back!” BPI Family Auto Loan introduces the newest and most irresistible 10% Money Back promo that gives you a 10% rebate on your loan amount. This is just one of the many ways BPI lets your money work for you and make the best happen!
BPI Family Auto Loan takes the auto industry to another level as the bank launches this one of a kind 10% Money Back promo. At the end of the clients’ loan term, they get to enjoy a 10% rebate (based on their loan amount) if loan is fully paid, has satisfactory handling and if another loan will be availed within 6 months of full payment. If no new loan is availed, they can still enjoy a 5% rebate.
This new promo is actually an auto loan and an investment rolled into one as you get a significant sum at the end of the term! It gives clients a great opportunity to upgrade to their next car as the rebate can serve as a significant portion of their upcoming down payment. A new and better car is best to avoid the high maintenance cost brought by aging units. On the other hand, the rebate can also be used to buy an additional car to suffice the needs of a growing family.
"BPI Family Auto Loan 10% Money Back promo aims to change how people see cars and car loans, as it is now an investment. With this new promo, you get to immediately realize the benefits of having a new car, get to own a highly useful asset and eventually get a sizeable amount at the end of the loan. As we change the way you think about car financing and provide you with an innovative and easier way to get your brand new car, you can get the best out of life!” says Mr. Pepe Carlos, VP and Head of BPI Family Auto Loan.
The 10% Money Back promo of BPI Family Savings Bank runs from June 1 to August 31 2014. For more details on the new promo, just visit any BPI/BPI Family Savings Bank branch or log on to www.bpiloans.com. Make the Best Happen, now!
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